Cat Neutering in Dubai: Procedure, Benefits & Aftercare

Cat Neutering in Dubai

Stray cats have become a major problem in Dubai for several years. The root cause is people dumping or abandoning their cats for many reasons. Many of these strays are not neutered or spayed, further increasing the number of cats in the streets of Dubai.

For pet owners who truly care, neutering or spaying their domestic cats is crucial to not contribute to the ongoing problem. Let’s discuss cat neutering and what you must know before going through this procedure with your pet cat.

What Is Cat Neutering?

Cat neutering is a procedure for male cats that involves removing the testicles. Spaying, on the other hand, is done for female cats, and the uterus and ovaries are also removed surgically. While these procedures may seem harsh, they have physical and behavioral benefits for cats.

Many animal support groups also collaborate with vet clinics to help combat the overpopulation of stray cats. Through TNR, which stands for “trap, neuter, release,” concerned citizens are encouraged to help capture strays to get them neutered to prevent cat overpopulation in the community. This is how important cat neutering is in today’s society.

What Is the Best Age to Neuter a Cat?

The ideal age to neuter cats is 4 to 6 months. During this age, cats are mature enough to undergo the procedure. Most veterinarians also prefer to operate on cats of this age compared to doing early neutering.

Cat Neutering in Dubai

Early neutering is done on kittens as young as eight weeks. This practice is controversial as it isn’t the traditional route of neutering cats. However, according to studies, early neutering has no long-term negative effects. So, the decision will all fall to the pet owners and whether they find a vet to do the procedure.

Why Should You Neuter Your Cat?

Apart from population control, neutering your cat has many benefits. Many vet clinics in Dubai recommend it to pet owners who bring in their unneutered cats for consultations for the first time. 

Here’s a list of the health and behavioral benefits of neutering your cat.

Health Benefits

  • Reduces the risk of cancer

Male cats can develop testicular cancer and other prostate-related problems. Neutering lowers this risk, as the testicles will be removed completely.

  • Prevents infections

Cats are also at risk of diseases and infections in their reproductive systems. Neutered male cats are less likely to contract these illnesses.

  • Manages weight

After a neutering procedure, a cat’s diet may differ from what it usually eats. This will make it easier to make healthier adjustments, especially when a cat is overweight, as it transitions back to a normal diet.

  • Contributes to a longer lifespan

A neutered cat will surely live a longer, healthier life because of the decreased risks of certain cancers, infections, and other diseases.

Behavioral Benefits

  • Decreases aggressive episodes

Since neutering removes cats’ reproductive capabilities, aggressive episodes with other cats will decrease, as cats won’t need to fight other males during mating seasons.

  • Improved socialization

Neutered cats will have very little, if not none, mating instincts left. This will make them more social and affectionate, especially to their owners.

  • Reduces roaming

One reason male cats roam is to search for mates. After neutering, they’ll have less need to go out, decreasing the risk of getting injured or lost.

  • Less territory marking

Male cats spray their pheromones through their urine to mark their territories. When neutered, the chances of spraying will be minimal, leading to a cleaner and fresher home.

What Are the Risks of Neutering Cats?

There’s no doubt that neutering has many benefits for cats, their owners, and even the community. However, like any other medical procedure, it also comes with risks.

Cat Neutering in Dubai

Though the risks are very rare, it’s still important to know them and be ready in case these happen to your cat.

  • Anesthesia side effects: A cat’s body can negatively react to anesthesia during and after a neutering operation, but this is rare. 
  • Surgery pain and complications: After neutering, cats will surely not be comfortable during the recovery stage. There are also risks of complications like bleeding and infections when they’re not given the right aftercare.
  • Weight gain: Cats’ metabolisms slow after neutering, which may cause them to become overweight without proper diet management and exercise.
  • Urinary problems: There’s a chance that urinary infections and other problems may increase in neutered cats.

Aftercare: What To Watch for After Neutering Your Cat

Your cat needs all your love and attention after a neutering procedure. So, it’s important to have enough knowledge to care for your cat properly.

Cat Neutering in Dubai

How Long Does It Take for a Neutered Cat to Heal?

There are two kinds of cat neutering surgery – the simple, straightforward surgery and the abdominal surgery. In some cases, a cat’s testicles remain in the abdomen. When this happens, an abdominal surgery is needed to remove the retained testicles.

Recovery from simple neutering only takes around a week. However, abdominal surgery may take up to two weeks before a cat fully recovers.

How Long Does the Cat Have to Wear a Cone After Neutering?

A cat should wear a cone or e-collar after neutering to prevent it from licking the incision, which may lead to an infection. How long it should be on the cat will depend on the type of neutering done.

For simple cat neutering, the cone should be on for at least seven days. If an abdominal surgery was done, keep the cone on the cat for at least 14 days. 

What Signs Should You Watch Out for After Neutering Your Cat?

Monitor any signs of complications after neutering to ensure a smooth recovery for your cat.

  • Pus or discharge: Check for any discharge from the surgical incision.
  • Loss of appetite: A cat that doesn’t eat for over 24 hours after neutering is a cause for concern.
  • Redness and swelling: If an incision has swelling and redness, it could be a sign of infection.
  • Lethargy: Some changes in behavior are normal in cats after neutering, but sluggishness is not normal behavior.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting: A complication might occur if a cat has loose bowel movements and vomiting after the procedure.
  • Difficulty urinating: If your cat doesn’t urinate within 24 hours after neutering, it could be a sign of a complication.

Be a Responsible Pet Owner in Dubai With Cat Neutering

Neutering your cat is more than just a decision for yourself as a pet owner. It’s also an important choice that you will make for your feline friend and your community. 

Choosing to neuter your cats will ensure they live a longer, happier, and healthier life while contributing to your community’s welfare. Contact a reputable vet in Dubai to learn more about the benefits of neutering and take the first responsible step for your cat’s well-being.


What is neutering a cat?

Cat neutering is a procedure wherein the testicles are removed for cats to have a longer and healthier life.

At what age should a cat be neutered?

Cats should be neutered before they reach sexual maturity, at the advisable age of 4 to 6 months.

Can cats be neutered when in heat?

Yes, cats can be neutered when in heat, but it’s not advisable, as health complications may arise. It’s recommended to wait until a cat’s health cycle has ended before proceeding with the procedure.

Do male cats spray after being neutered?

When cats are neutered early, before their sexual maturity, they usually stop or reduce the spraying behavior. However, if the cat is neutered after the age of 1 year, they might continue the behavior.

Can cats use the litter box after being neutered?

Yes, cats can use the litter box after being neutered. But, instead of regular cat litter, you may put torn pieces of paper or newspaper for the first 24-48 hours after the procedure. This prevents litter particles from attaching to the incision, which may cause infection.

Can cats pee normally after being neutered?

Yes, cats should pee normally after being neutered. If your cat has not urinated within 24 hours after the surgery, you should call for emergency veterinary care.

What are the negative effects of neutering cats?

Some risks and possible negative effects of neutering cats are infections, hormonal changes, allergic reactions to anesthesia, and urinary issues. But you don’t need to worry as these are very rare cases.

Does my cat need to wear a cone after neutering?

It might be challenging to attach a cone to a cat, but it’s advisable to use it after a neutering procedure. It will help prevent your cat from linking its incision, which may cause infections.

How much should a neutered male cat weigh?

A healthy cat should weigh around 8-12 pounds, and the average neutered male cat weight shouldn’t be any different. Still, this may vary depending on the cat’s age and breed.

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